This private self-assessment is designed to help you determine where your organization sits right now, and what areas might be good to focus on improving. If you find many areas, that's okay, we all have to start somewhere. If you don't, that's great news! But don't take it as a certification that your organization is perfect. There are no perfect scores or failing grades, it isn't that kind of test. The results are only for you and your teammates to use and interpret in your journey.


Compare your organization to these benchmarks in each area:

Developing a PlanOpportunity to GrowOpportunity to Excel
Facilities Access
We don’t have any all-gender restrooms or don’t know if we do. We have at least one all gender restroom in each facility. All employees have access to all-gender restrooms and know where they are. Our harassment policy says questioning someone’s right to use the restroom is harassment.
Discrimination, Bullying, & Harassment
Our workplace has not considered our harassment policies in the context of transgender, non-binary, and gender non-confirming individuals. Harassment such as consistent, insistent, and intentional misgendering is not tolerated in the workplace. Harassment such as consistent, insistent, and intentional misgendering is not tolerated in the workplace. All employees receive recurring Diversity and Inclusion training.
Dress Code
Dress codes are gender specific and do not reflect an individual’s gender identity. Individuals are allowed to dress according to their gender identity. Dress codes are non-gendered and apply to all who choose to wear a particular style of clothing. Individuals are allowed to dress according to their gender expression.
Employee Privacy
There are no consequences in the workplace to outing other employees in regards to their sexual orientation or gender identity. There are consequences in the workplace for outing other employees. An employee must give written consent to share their sexual orientation or gender identity. There are consequences in the workplace for outing other employees. An employee must give written consent to share their sexual orientation or gender identity. This is written in our policies and discussed during training.
Gender Marker Changes
We don’t know which systems require a gender marker change and what the requirements are. We are aware which systems require gender marker changes and what the requirements for the system of record are. We are aware which systems require gender marker changes and what the requirements for the system of record are. We ask for pronouns during employee onboarding and when introducing ourselves. Non-binary markers are available.
Name Changes
We require a legal name change for any company systems to be updated. Legal name changes are not required for most systems including email signatures, employee badges, etc. Legal name changes are not required for most systems including email signatures, employee badges, etc. Our HR department actively makes it easy for transitioning individuals to update their name.
Health Insurance
Our health insurance policy has exclusions for transgender related care. Our health insurance policy covers some medically necessary care. If needed, we have a rider that specifically indicates care is covered under our policy. All medically necessary transgender-related care is covered under our health insurance policy. Our HR department actively helps individuals work with the insurance company to get the care that they need covered.
Medical Leave
We do not have medical leave available for transgender related care other than FMLA. Transgender related care is covered under the same medical leave policy as other care. Individuals may feel the need to share medical details in order to explain time off. Transgender related care is covered under the same medical leave policy as other care. Employees know that they do not need to share details to justify time away from work (unless otherwise required by FMLA).
Transition Planning
We don’t have any experience helping someone plan a workplace transition. Employees do not know whether our workplace is safe to transition in. We have a game plan to help employees transition in the workplace. Employees follow a predetermined agenda to come out. We have a game plan to help employees transition in the workplace. This plan is flexible and reflects the reality that every transition is different. Employees know that they can safely transition in our workplace and they know who they can come to for help.
Leadership & Management
Our management and leadership does not have any experience or training on how to be supportive of transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming employees. Management and leadership have had some training, but it is not ongoing. Management and leadership have regular training on how to be supportive of transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming employees. The company actively works to improve company culture to make sure it is inclusive for all.
Our hiring practices are not supportive of transgender, non-binary, and gender non-confirming candidates. We would not know how to handle interviewing someone with a different name other than their legal name. Our hiring practices are somewhat supportive of transgender, non-binary, and gender non-confirming candidates. We would be able to address the individual by their preferred name. Our hiring practices are supportive of transgender, non-binary, and gender non-confirming candidates. We would be able to address the individual by their preferred name. Pronouns of the interviewers are shared with the candidates as part of introductions.
Organizational Culture
We always use gendered language and have only binary options on forms and other materials. When transgender issues come up, we focus on the discomfort that employees and customers may feel towards that topic.We typically use non-gendered language and include non-binary identities in some places. We are friendly to transgender and non-binary customers.We always use non-gendered language and fully support non-binary identities, including in our parental leave policy. We focus on safety and inclusion rather than discomfort.